About This Product/Tentang Produk Ini:
Crispy, nutty, addictive! Edibee’s Mini Rempeyek is the classic rempeyek taking bite-sized form for easy snacking and sharing. Delicious anytime, not just during festive seasons!
Rangup, berkacang, susah nak ditolak tepi! Mini Rempeyek ni walaupun bersaiz kecil, rasanya sedap dan asli. Senang nak dikongsi dan dinikmati pula tu. Enak bila-bila masa, bukan di waktu perayaan saja!
Country of Origin/Negara Asal: Malaysia
Storage Information/Maklumat Penyimpanan:
Keep in dry place. Avoid exposure to sunlight or excessive heat. Avoid reach of children.
Simpan di tempat yang kering. Elakkan daripada cahaya matahari atau panas berlebihan. Jauhkan dari kanak-kanak.
Rice Flour, Eggs, Salt, Dried Shrimp, Anchovies, Coriander, Cumin, Cumin, Chili, Peanuts & Oil.